Becoming a Patient

Becoming a Patient

There are several ways to make an appointment:

To help provide you the best possible care, please bring the following with you to your appointment:

  • A list of current medications (bring the bottles themselves if you are unsure) including vitamins or other over-the-counter medicines.
  • For children’s visits, please bring your child’s immunization records.
  • A list of questions you want to discuss with your provider.
  • Your insurance card or coverage information.
  • Your co-payment (if required by your insurance). This will be collected at the time of your visit.
  • Income information is required to apply for Sliding Fee Discount. Acceptable Income Verification:
    • Recent Federal Tax Return
    • IRS Form W-2 or 1099
    • Two (2) Current Pay Stubs
  • Proof of Citizenship
Payment Options

Family Health Care Clinic accepts various payment sources, and they are listed below:

  • Cash
  • Check/Money Order
  • Insurance
  • Medicare
  • Medicaid
  • CHIP
  • CareCredit
  • Debit and Credit Cards

Family Health Care Clinic also provides services according to your ability to pay on a sliding fee scale. The regular charges are discounted based on your qualifications from 25% to 100%. You may be eligible to pay a nominal fee for services.

Prompt-pay discounts are available from 20% to 40%.

For more information on the payment sources, you may call the number at the bottom of this page or write:

Family Health Care Clinic, Inc.
Post Office Box 24116
Jackson, MS 39225-4116
Phone: 1-800-508-7481

Your Responsibilities

As a patient at this clinic, we expect that you will

  1. Inform the provider of any medical ailments that you feel may have gone untreated.
  2. Inform the provider of your medical history.
  3. Communicate to the staff with respect to any concerns, complaints, or grievances you may have with individuals and/or policies of the organization.
  4. Ask all questions that have gone unanswered or that are not clear to you about a treatment plan.
  5. To the best of your ability, follow the health care maintenance plan prescribed by your provider.
  6. To the best of your ability, keep your appointment to see the provider and inform the front desk if for some reason the appointment cannot be kept.
  7. Follow the policies and procedures outlined to you in the receipt of services.
  8. Be respectful to all staff in obtaining health care services.
  9. Do not be disruptive or abusive to other patients, clinic staff, or policies when receiving health care services.
  10. To the best of your ability, provide payment for clinic services in accordance with your ability to pay as determined by the receptionist.
  11. To the best of your ability, when appropriate, make appointments for receiving services.
  12. Inform the staff when there is a medical emergency when calling or presenting to the clinic for services.
  13. Inform the front desk staff when you have had a change in address and telephone number.
  14. Return the phone call received from the clinic if you were not available at the time of the call.
  15. Ask your healthcare provider what to expect regarding pain and pain management.
  16. Discuss pain relief options with your health care provider;
  17. Work with your healthcare provider to develop a pain management plan;
  18. Ask for pain relief when pain first begins;
  19. Help your healthcare provider assess your pain;
  20. Tell your healthcare provider if your pain is not relieved; and
  21. Tell your healthcare provider about any worries you have about taking pain medication.